Systemic Blunders
Who among us hasn't obtained a book, yet never gotten around to actually reading it?
Sometimes our unread reading materials sit forever on the nightstand or coffee table or in the other little room in the house where old dog-eared magazines go to spend their last days.
And then there are all those "I could write a book" moments where you can imagine yourself (or someone you know) writing a book that, in your heart, you know will never get written, let alone published or read.
And so, we need UnBooks, where all that really exists is the concept, the title, and the cover art. No need to actually write or read the inner text.
One of the nice things about UnBooks is that you can print the covers on thin disposable sheets of paper, just to remind yourself of the non-existence of imaginary UnBooks.
And so, without further ado, here are some of my favorite UnBooks that I can imagine and appreciate without bothering to open the cover to thumb the pages inside.
Chaos Publishing House is chagrined to present this burgeoning series of UnBooks on the unifying theme of Systemic Blunders.